Friday, February 7

xclusive music fest.



Doopaadoo has been a successful portral for everything relating to Music and opened up doors for creative musicians who yearn to make it big in the music arena. It has been featuring aspiring musicians with their original compositions in high quality sound and having tremendous visual appeal and digital art.

Every song is carefully analyzed and reviewed before getting live and the lyrical tab enables sing-along feature as well. It is needless to say that this brand has become talk of the town for providing quality music to its listeners. Now, the website is opening its horizons by teaming up with SSN Engineering College, Chennai for an exclusive music fest.

The finalists for the music fest can be voted through Doopaadoo app which is featured with live voting system where the users can choose the artists of their choice.  Interestingly, the judges can also simultaneously monitor the voting system and which artist is getting more number of votes. In order to use this feature, the users have to download Doopaadoo app which is available in Play Store for Android.

Go ahead an install the app for voting your favorite artist for this fest!