Monday, February 17

Women’s Anthem from the upcoming film Mathiyavel


The spirit of Women always inspired generations of thought and despite their everyday hardships and struggles, they come out with flying colors and give a new ray of hope for a better world to live. Tamil Nadu has witnessed many such women personalities who continue to inspire us with their remarkable contributions to the industry and Kollywood has been of no exception to this. Such powerful women make us rethink on how we treat women on a day to day basis and whether we are giving the much needed respect to them. These women are spread over various professions right from masculine professions such as politics and accounts till feminine professions like modelling and acting.


On the eve of International Women’s Day, a very special single Women’s Anthem from the upcoming film Mathiyavel is going to be released exclusively on, a portal dedicated to quality music. Mathiyavel is touted to be a crime thriller which incidentally targets on violence against women. Music has the powerful ability to project an opinion or a thought and this amazing number does exactly the same by taking the listener to an optimistic future which stays ahead of us. The song also pays attention to the changing times where we are working towards an egalitarian society.


Listen to this soul stirring number which takes you through a unique journey of a woman’s struggle on!